Transforming Housing: Affordable Housing for All

Transforming Housing: Affordable Housing for All is an action-research project focused on influencing and supporting the transformation of the housing policy and delivery environment in Victoria. The University of Melbourne’s School of Design is working with the City of Melbourne, Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation, Launch Housing, Brotherhood of St Laurence, Melbourne Social Equity Institute to facilitate collaborations with industry, government and philanthropic organisations in order to improve affordable housing outcomes for very low to moderate income households. We advocate for housing that is affordable, well-located, diverse and well-designed.
The aim of the project is to generate partnerships based on mutual respect and co-learning that result in substantial and sustainable policy shift, as well as industry innovations, towards more and better affordable housing. The project team host frequent workshops to facilitate networking and co-learning opportunities for industry, government, NGOs and researchers. Transforming Housing also releases reports, papers and statements to inform and evaluate innovative affordable housing projects, financing arrangements and government policy.